International Commission

The International Commission​​​​​​​

To create a strong international and interactive network that connects students, alumni, and leaders from around the globe, encouraging cooperation and fostering personal and professional growth.

To become a leading hub for international exchange and collaboration, enhancing the global outlook and employability of students, and contributing to Nyenrode’s mission of shaping responsible leaders.

Our Three Pillars

  1. International Skills: This pillar centers on connecting students with scholars and leaders from organizations in various industries and regions. Students can gain practical insights and enhance their professional development.
  2. International Markets: This pillar aims to create hands-on, immersive experiences that allow students to apply their business knowledge in real-world settings, often in collaboration with international partners and alumni.
  3. International Networks: This pillar focuses on strengthening and expanding the international network of Nyenrode students with alumni, international business schools, and international study associations. By fostering these connections, students can broaden their educational perspectives and develop a more global understanding of business practices.

International Commission

Rick Van Dijk (2024) Chair
Biem Blok (2024) Co-Chair
Rein Sebastiaan Kuijper (2024) Treasurer

Our sponsors